Ads of items to others

So you have something to sell.  Great but some tips for trading with others.

1. Ads runs for 3 hours or till item advertised is sold.  So if you wish to sell to only to someone in your neighborhood be sure to remove the check mark for the item to be advertised, before placing it up for sell.  Otherwise others on the web can see it and buy it.

2. If you wish to sell to another on the web at the same time be sure to select an item that sells fast.  That way if someone in your neighborhood needs something you need not have to wait for the advertised item to be sold, before placing the neighborhood item up for sell.  If an item is still on your stand advertising your stand.  Go to the far right box and place 1 wheat for 1 coin and have the person buy that first.  So you know they are at your stand, then place the item you wish to sell them on your stand.

If no current item is actively tagged the green check mark will need to be removed so that the item is not advertised on the open web newspaper.  A new item can be tagged every 5 mins. or by using a gem to place it on the newspaper.  IMO this cost of a gem is not worth it.

Item on stand is currently advertising on the newspaper.  Note the tag on the eggs and corn item without a tag.

Revised May 3 2015

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