Please Note: That you do not have to win a derby cup to receive awards of prize items. But you do need to cross check-points to receive rewards for playing in the derby.
The Derby starts each Tuesday at 11:00 pm UTC time and ends each Monday at 11:00 pm UTC time. ( See the HayDAy derby clock on sidebar for current time ) In the 24 hours between derbys you can leave one neighborhood and join another. How ever you will not be included in the first Derby when you join the neighborhood. But will be able to help out others in the neighborhood. If you left or where removed from a neighborhood and rejoin the same neighborhood the rewards from past derby will be given to you as well.. At least it happen to me a few derbys ago when I did a test on it. However the cup rewards where not given the horseshoe rewards where. ( This was when the derby events first started, however the updates since may have changed this. I can not and will not test this again. )
It's also note worthy to take notice of the top boat point owner's farms, as you watch their boat docks. Boats appear out of nowhere and get serviced in a time frame not believable. Nor the speed of earning points and leveling up. If you wish to see it for yourself, tap on the sign post on your dock. Then a menu of the top boat leaders will appear. Tap on the right tab with the globe and the Global list of top boat earners list will appear. Tap on the top farm and the visit option will appear. Tap again on the farm to visit and watch the events at the dock with boat orders.
Info discovered so far from past Derby races
The first Derby run results
Sample of both members completing all 5 task plus the purchased 6th task
Note: Time remaining til end of Derby 3 Days 2 hours
Task where completed by setting up of next planned task by both members, using the info shared here on the blog pages.
For ties of neighborhoods with the same amount of points, the reward goes to the neighborhood that got the point amount first. As shown here.
Here's the same Derby in a 3 way tie, see how the cups where awarded. Note: This Derby race consisted of neighborhoods with only two players / members each. All three cup winners have max out the task they can do and purchased the extra one as well. And preformed only those task with point valves of 320.
Also note that the third place winners were not visible before the winning of their cup.
Sample of the rewards given for a gold cup win. Same Derby as above screen shots.
So selection of task to do means alot due to points earned for each and the harder task is better to take on than easiest task. Depending on the selection of task that other neighborhood members take on.
There are a total of 5 check points to reach for bonus rewards. Points required depends on the number of members in your neighborhood. So if a member does not preform in a derby ask them to do better or leave at the end of the current Derby. Speed of crossing each does not matter, but for the end rewards for Gold/Silver/Bronze rewards. Select task that you can get help with and are the hardest to get. This will depend on who is playing the game at the time of the selection of the task. So you can not get help with (Such as growing produce or animal products) So saying hello when you are online and saying good bye will be important for others in their selections of task to take on. Rewards for crossing checkpoints are given to all that cross. But only the neighborhoods winning a cup get extra rewards for placing in the top 3 at the end of the derby.
Selecting a task that can be completed within the time frame of your play for the day. (As some have time limits and if not completed in the time allowed, the task is lost) Select no task that have points lower than 290 and trash those on the board that are lower. (These valves are variable due to how other neighborhoods in your current Derby plays) Plan ahead for your next task you wish to take on. (Such as if you plan to take on a truck event, have your barn full of the orders currently on the board) And let others know your next task you plan to take on, so others do not take your task away from your setup. Boat task are best to be done if you are unable to play for hours one day. But able to play every 4 hrs or so, fishing task should not be taken on if you do not have all fishing spots open or unless you are on your last task. Same goes for boat task, unless you are going to spend diamonds to speed up the task, for your own schedule play. The town task is not a great pick to take on at this time, due to the lower point valves ( the highest points you can earn is 294 for a visitor task) which is much lower than collecting eggs for more points. (Which is 304 points) The Derby is easier to win now after the updates and selection of task with 300 or higher points are the best to preform. But this also depends on the number of members in your neighborhood. As some may not be able to play fully in a derby, other neighborhoods may have the same issue with their players.
other farms. With less members a neighborhood needs to have players fully working together and selecting higher point task to win a cup. (Such as mine, just me with two farms) Using timing of completing task to make others fill they are winning. Watch the point valves the other neighborhoods are working on, when you visit the track board for new points being added to your current Derby.
These tactics on winning will become harder as others begin to work harder to get a cup, when they have not won one yet. And going by how people are finding this blog, many are looking for tips. The derby that shows how cups are award when there is a tie gives you an idea how the race for the cups has changed since the very first Derby. In the above photos of the Derby all 3 cup winners had to do task with 320 points and complete them faster than before.
Work together to finish each others task
Once a task is selected, that task needs to be filled before another task can be taken on. Some have time limits, so select a task on your plan play for the race. If task with a time limit is not completed in time no points will be counted and one select-able task of 6 will be used up.
Others and the neighborhood are trusting you to race in the derby for equal rewards given to the neighborhood. Do your part to achieve check points..
Tapping on the icon of another neighborhood in the race and then on "Info" will allow you to view the members in that neighborhood. A list of members of that neighborhood currently will be shown, here will see who is in the derby currently for that neighborhood. So the number maybe lower or higher at the time you check.
Exiting the neighborhood while the race is going on will remove you from rewards and the ability to preform task for your neighborhood.
To enter the derby info menu tap on the derby stand.
The start of Derby Race.
Lower priced task should be removed from the derby by the leader or co-leaders in order to reach the goal of winning a cup.
Selection of a task that requires only a limited time to complete may effect your status of trust in the neighborhood. And speed of fulfilling a task can as well.
Note: The task board you see when you play is the list for your neighborhood, not just for your farm.
To become a Co-Leader the Leader most promote you to a Co-Leader via editing your membership in the neighborhood. This is done by tapping on the neighborhood building and then tapping on the member. A menu to "Visit" or "Edit" will appear, tap on "Edit" and then select Co-Leader and save the setting. This is also where the Leader and Co-Leader can remove a member from the neighborhood.
Tip: Select a task like goat milk when goat milk is ready to be collected at that time or if all fishing spots are open at time of selection of task. Ask others online playing before selecting a task, so you know what help is available to you.
To remove a task from the board simply, click on the task and then click on the trash can. A new task will replace it in 30 minutes. Note: Only those with rating of Elder and high can trash unwanted tasks. ( The neighborhood of Squire advances 750 trashed task per derby. ) USE CAUTION WHEN DOING THIS SO NOT TO TRASH THE TASK YOU ARE WORKING ON. IT'S VERY EASY TO ACCIDENTALLY REMOVE YOUR TASK. Accidental removal of your current task can happen, due to the game shows your task currently working on. You may think you have selected a task you wish to remove and remove your current task. There is not a special warning that you are about to remove a task that you already have earned points towards the completion of a task you are about to delete.
Highest earn-able points per neighborhood member 320 times the number of task available in the "League" your neighborhood is in. One additional task can be added for the cost of 10 diamonds for each member.
Derby Leagues
Champions 9 task
Expert 8 task
Professional 7 task
Novice 6 task
Rookie 5 task
Highest Point valves list moved to new page see menu bar list.
Note: If you make a mistake in your selection, preform the task for the points. If you trash a selected task, you will ex-spend one of the tasks you are allowed to do for Derby. ( Of course if it's close to the end of the Derby and you need the points to cross a checkpoint or win a cup. And / or the error-ed task can not be done, then trash it if another task can be done in the time frame left. Below is a sample of a task selected and completed. Neighborhood still won the GOLD cup while in the "Expert level League" with only 3 farms.

Derby Tips by task List below have links to the pages with info on that task. Tap on it to visit info page.
A Super tip for those that wish to do two task at one time. Setup for a production task like Bake Potatoes while you are doing another task, use the info from "My barn is full" tip page. Link on right sidebar.
Visitor Task
Truck Delivery
Boat Orders
At start of Derby if no high valve task are showing trash them til you get one for each member. Task that take sometime to finish at start best first task. This allows you to trash the board of lower valve task while you preform the higher point task. At the start of the derby your first task should allows be one with a 320 point valve. No matter how long it takes to get one. Boat or fishing task best done at the start, for the members that can trash the task board. Other members can preform the other high point task if able. ( Smaller farms should not take on a task they their farm can not preform in allotted time limits of some task. Such as harvesting task, use the points list to calculate if your farm can preform the task in the allotted time limit. Sample: Take the amount of fields you have and divide the number the task requires, then look at the amount of time it takes to grow each field of that planting.
Number of fields to harvest 900 number of fields on farm 50 = 18
This means you have to plant all fields 18 times to equal the number required by the task.
Time to grow required product times 18 should be under the time limit. As well as your planned playing time with-in the limitation of the task.
Production tasks are great ones to setup for while you are preforming another task like fishing or boat. If others know you are setting up to take one listed on the Derby task board next. This is where comm. with others and working together in your neighborhood becomes key to winning a cup.
The "Help out another farm" is the easiest one to setup for, you just need another member to setup for it. If they have trees or bushes on there farm that will need to be revived on next picking. All they have to do is wait for you to select the task and then ask to have them revived so you can complete the task. The fastest 320 Derby points to earn, if another member sets up for you.
Small neighborhood groups of 3 have better chance to win cups and get the most rewards.
Page Updated 15 March 2016
Blog remains to be under updating mode as of this date. More links to blog info on topic hopefully will be done by the end of this month of March 2016.
If I use diamonds to purchase another derby task is that only good for this one derby or will I always have an extra task?
ReplyDeleteIt is only good for this weeks' derby. You'll have to spend another 10 diamonds the next week for an additional task.
DeleteWe are a friendly neighbourhood currently recruiting derby players, we do all 300 + tasks . very helpful and online always
DeletePlease join us and let's have fun
Neighbourhood name : sabertooth
Red bat with yellow background
Currently having 8 players, looking for more
Most of us are from the US
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteChampion league players created new hood
DeleteChampion derby players created a new neighborhood. It's called CRESCENT MOON PASTURES. ✨✨join us in the beginning while we take over the world!!
Are you looking for a neighborhood that is fun loving, chatty, helpful? If you are over 21 then look no longer because that is what we offer!
You have found a Great Hood!! We love the derby. 10 tasks @ 312 + point value.. You should be willing to spend diamonds on the tenth task if it is required for top 3. We are a neighbourhood that is there for you.. We help each other to get tasks done. It's a group effort, With some tasks done in minutes. If you don't like sharing, or having others offer to help you, we are not for you. We are like a family...
This is what we are looking for...People at least Level 60, Very Active and who can Communicate fluently in English! And one last thing..... Please no one under 21
Here are a few things I am asking:
* Please and thank you will get you a long way..
* Helping with boat orders, watering, and townie pick up.
* Respect each other, leave the bad attitude at the door.
* A sense of humour... We can get a bit silly.. Sorry
* Do all tasks ( or let us know if you can't, I know life can get in the way!!) or opt out of the Derby.
* Level 60, required to join...
* It is a demand free zone... I will not make demands on anyone...
What we can do for you:
* make you feel like you have come home
* help with boats ( dairy and sugar boat are not frown on when they are Derby boats)
* after you are with us for a week we with help with barn, silo, and land expanding... Don't come if that's the only thing you want. We have all experienced those type.. Hood hopper.. You will be removed.
Any changes that occur in the Hood are based on a majority vote or decision, IT'S YOUR HOOD!!! You will be promoted when you join. Chatting is also a Big Plus but not necessary if you are doing your tasks. Please be prepared for a few questions when you join..
If this sounds good to you why not join my hood and give us a try!?
We are new. We have 20 active members already. The result of a neighborhood split we brought the best to our side!! The intention is to grow the hood to 30 though that may take a while to get the exact perfect mix of 30 people.
So look for me my name is PINK HORSE PEARLE and the neighborhood is CRESCENT MOON PASTURES We are a YELLOW BACKGROUND with a PINK HORSE You won't regret it.
Champion league players created new hood
DeleteChampion derby players created a new neighborhood. It's called CRESCENT MOON PASTURES. ✨✨join us in the beginning while we take over the world!!
Are you looking for a neighborhood that is fun loving, chatty, helpful? If you are over 21 then look no longer because that is what we offer!
You have found a Great Hood!! We love the derby. 10 tasks @ 312 + point value.. You should be willing to spend diamonds on the tenth task if it is required for top 3. We are a neighbourhood that is there for you.. We help each other to get tasks done. It's a group effort, With some tasks done in minutes. If you don't like sharing, or having others offer to help you, we are not for you. We are like a family...
This is what we are looking for...People at least Level 60, Very Active and who can Communicate fluently in English! And one last thing..... Please no one under 21
Here are a few things I am asking:
* Please and thank you will get you a long way..
* Helping with boat orders, watering, and townie pick up.
* Respect each other, leave the bad attitude at the door.
* A sense of humour... We can get a bit silly.. Sorry
* Do all tasks ( or let us know if you can't, I know life can get in the way!!) or opt out of the Derby.
* Level 60, required to join...
* It is a demand free zone... I will not make demands on anyone...
What we can do for you:
* make you feel like you have come home
* help with boats ( dairy and sugar boat are not frown on when they are Derby boats)
* after you are with us for a week we with help with barn, silo, and land expanding... Don't come if that's the only thing you want. We have all experienced those type.. Hood hopper.. You will be removed.
Any changes that occur in the Hood are based on a majority vote or decision, IT'S YOUR HOOD!!! You will be promoted when you join. Chatting is also a Big Plus but not necessary if you are doing your tasks. Please be prepared for a few questions when you join..
If this sounds good to you why not join my hood and give us a try!?
We are new. We have 28 active members already. The result of a neighborhood split we brought the best to our side!! The intention is to grow the hood to 30 though that may take a while to get the exact perfect mix of 30 people.
So look for me my name is The Pearle boss and the neighborhood is CRESCENT MOON PASTURES We are a purple background with a yellow fish. You won't regret it.
I wondered if I was kicked off from a group. Do derby points that i made will be removed from the group also?
ReplyDeleteThe derby keeps your points you earned if kicked out
DeleteWe have 17 players in our team but the team who is in 1st place with 17 players too got 30964 derby points! How is it possible??!!! We are very frustrated by this!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how it is possible that some neighbourhoods have the option to do 320 tasks so much sooner than others. I always trash our low-points tasks as soon as they appear, but it takes about 3 days for tasks of 320 points to appear. Only 320-boats are available sooner.
ReplyDeleteWe are an Expert League hood fighting to hit the the top spot. We have a few spots open for top players in our hood "Adult Hayday Hideaway" if you are disappointed with your current hood. Only 315+ tasks and extra diamond task required.
ReplyDeleteMy team of 8 is looking for a couple,of competitive derby players that can help others as well.
ReplyDeleteOur rules are no task under 300 and most do the additional task if needed to win. We r winners and in the expert league. The name of team is PUNK AND BROADS
We are a 20 derby win hood... No tasks under 315 and must do 9th task... We help each other and work together. If you are interested in joining winning team we are Mutiny Barn.
Deletese si è di più in un derby incide sulla forza degli altri? se io ho un vicinato numeroso dovrò gareggiare contro quelli più forti?
ReplyDeleteIs the first time for my neighborh.. to be in the champion league, but the task are to low and when your trash, they take points, we are 13 player active, and when we where in the professional league, we make about 20,000 points know for friday, we dont have even 15000, same player, the task are to bad, I saw the first place they have about 30000, and how is possible they had to do task more of 300 and if supposed to be raddomly the task
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the lost of points for trashing task, points lost are only for overall standing in the champion league of those wishing Kardashian type pride. Means nothing in the game for advancement or value.
DeleteWith over 4 Days remaining in a derby one neighborhood has completed all task available with 320 points. ( Including the purchase of extra task ) How was this done? They used the option to speed up the refreshing of trashed task. This neighborhood also had 11 members with only 3 opt in to run the derby of Champion League. So is this far to others playing the game?
ReplyDeleteIf you find your neighborhood being rank with these type of players while in the Champion league. Opt-out of the derby play for a week or so to reduce your ranking, so you can complete the achievement of running the derby in champion league. That's what I'm going to do.
DeleteBut still preform the task to reach the check points for rewards without spending any diamonds.
DeleteAfter having to run against much larger neighborhoods I was still able to take a cup in the last derby. Others were racing to take the last cup from the third place holder. As they had not done all 320 point task. But with planning and luck I still told the cup away from them as well. So don't give up on a race, I started this past race in 15th and ran most of the derby around 12th. If you find yourself over whelmed by cheaters and unable to take a cup, go for the checkpoints. There remains the fact that some have money to just burn and have no problem burning it on playing this game.
ReplyDeleteJust curious as to how you cheat at this game???
DeleteJust curious as to how you cheat at this game???
DeleteCome join my neighborhood name is friend world helper
ReplyDeleteFor farmer high level do 10 tasks with 320 points and use diamonds for call boats
Welcome join 🎉❤️
If a player in our hood does not opt out and does not complete any tasks, do they still get to choose rewards?
ReplyDeleteYes ,so you should kick them out of your hood for being unfair
DeleteHow much time does a non selected task stays on derby board
ReplyDeleteMy hood is on Invite Only and nobody can authorise anyone into the hood except me but my follower became the follower to all my hood members. I was told there is an exploit bug used by turks and arabs. How do they do it?
ReplyDeleteMy hood is on Invite Only and nobody can authorise anyone into the hood except me but my follower became the follower to all my hood members. I was told there is an exploit bug used by turks and arabs. How do they do it?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewe'll be the best neighborhood in future...join 'ENGINEERING ADDA' now
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs it allowed to use diamonds to speed up a production task when playing the derby?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteChampion derby players created a new neighborhood. It's called CRESCENT MOON PASTURES. ✨✨join us in the beginning while we take over the world!!
Are you looking for a neighborhood that is fun loving, chatty, helpful? If you are over 21 then look no longer because that is what we offer!
You have found a Great Hood!! We love the derby. 10 tasks @ 312 + point value.. You should be willing to spend diamonds on the tenth task if it is required for top 3. We are a neighbourhood that is there for you.. We help each other to get tasks done. It's a group effort, With some tasks done in minutes. If you don't like sharing, or having others offer to help you, we are not for you. We are like a family...
This is what we are looking for...People at least Level 60, Very Active and who can Communicate fluently in English! And one last thing..... Please no one under 21
Here are a few things I am asking:
* Please and thank you will get you a long way..
* Helping with boat orders, watering, and townie pick up.
* Respect each other, leave the bad attitude at the door.
* A sense of humour... We can get a bit silly.. Sorry
* Do all tasks ( or let us know if you can't, I know life can get in the way!!) or opt out of the Derby.
* Level 60, required to join...
* It is a demand free zone... I will not make demands on anyone...
What we can do for you:
* make you feel like you have come home
* help with boats ( dairy and sugar boat are not frown on when they are Derby boats)
* after you are with us for a week we with help with barn, silo, and land expanding... Don't come if that's the only thing you want. We have all experienced those type.. Hood hopper.. You will be removed.
Any changes that occur in the Hood are based on a majority vote or decision, IT'S YOUR HOOD!!! You will be promoted when you join. Chatting is also a Big Plus but not necessary if you are doing your tasks. Please be prepared for a few questions when you join..
If this sounds good to you why not join my hood and give us a try!?
We are new. The result of a neighborhood split we brought the best to our side!! The intention is to grow the hood to 30 though that may take a while to get the exact perfect mix of 30 people. The reason I want it to be 30 is because that way if we have an off week or we make a mistake or we don't feel like playing derby it is not so imperative because we have others to rely on. I am willing to wait months to get to the perfect mix of 30.
So look for me my name is BLACK PEARLE CREAMERY and the neighborhood is CRESCENT MOON PASTURES We are a BLUE background with a red CHICKEN You won't regret it.
Hy New Neighborhood " EL IMPERIO " - Recluting new farmers to win derbies and level up by helping other farmers If you want to get part of a new empire Join uss #PGUJGVPV or add me ( #8Y8LQCJVV or #2VP0J8GLC )
ReplyDeleteHy New Neighborhood " EL IMPERIO " - Recluting new farmers to win derbies and level up by helping other farmers If you want to get part of a new empire Join uss #PGUJGVPV or add me ( #8Y8LQCJVV or #2VP0J8GLC )
ReplyDelete#92QUVQUR come join us