Saturday, April 18, 2015

How to help your own farm

You may wish to create a second farm to help out with your farm with production of goods for those big boat orders and to help control the barn size problem. (Exp. Boat order for popcorn or bread)  I do this to help with those demands on my main farm for those large production orders. You can create another farm using a gmail acct created just for your hayday play.

First create another email acct such as your name of your farm ******* .  Then create a fb acct using that gmail email acct.  For the fb acct use a name you can remember later if you wish to share your hayday farm early.

Then do a search for your main fb acct using the new fb acct and request to become friends with it.  After doing so, go to your main fb acct and except the friending request.  You may wish to do the same friending request to your new fb acct as well so your main farm appears on it's Hayay friends list.  But you do not have to, you can follow the other farm as well.  Doing so will see your farm on the new Hatday farm acct under the followers list. 

After doing so your new farm will appear under the friends tab on hayday.  (Note: rebooting app or moving from farm to pond or town may need to be done for new list to generate.)

Now if you see your other farm listed there, simply  share items for it or visa-versa to control the needs for production / supply of goods for orders on the farms.

First items that can be shared are the Bakery, cane mill and dairy as you level up the new farm.  Sharing of upgrade barn and silo items from your main farm may be found helpful at first.

You do not need to remove trees, bushes, rocks, boulders from your second farm, instead sell the items to your mains farm. If you are finding the need for axes, saws or mining items.

I use two tablets to make it easier to play, but you can use one device if you do not have another. To move from one farm to another simply logout from fb or gmail to the other.  A list will appear of farms saved under your android, select which farm you wish to play and it will ask you to confirm.  Type in confirm and device will load that farm selected.

Note: FB liking is the only way known by me to connect farms early and without having to join the neighborhood of the other, it maybe possible via Google liking but I'm not friendly on this.

Note:  Do not rush your second farm to join a neighborhood, a known problem by Hayday may happen to your farm.  A problem with selling and buying items on the road side stands may happen, has happen to me on two other farms.  See HayDay forum site.

If the problem happens to you, you can still use the farm for filling those large Dairy / cane mill or bakery orders on the boats.  I got my second farm back have Hayday finally fixed the bug, but it took along time for it to be fixed.  I took leveling up 18 levels before they did a update that fixed it.  It broke at level 18 and I was at level 36 before it got fixed.  Took alot of time to get it level up, I also rename the farm to BROKEN RSS to help HayDay locate the problem farm.  Don't know if it did, but it's working again.

Sample of problem shown on Youtube