Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Barn is full what do I do?

First of all increase your storage size of your barn by tapping on the " Increase Storage " at bottom when you tap on your barn.  Recommended size of barn depends on the amount of support others provided.  But it's best to work together as  neighborhood to increase each others barns in the best way the neighborhood feels is best.  But I remain to recommend players to open all the fishing spots before opening land.

The size of ones barn or silo means alot at each level, so in general I recommend a farm of at 34 to have a barn size 650 as well as it's Silo.   The game really plays on the network message of working together to reach a goal.  And the amount of coins really do not mean much to once you reach the level of no items to to have to purchase.  While some long time players many wish more items.  That some should wish to start a farm from the start and play the game again.  IMO

If you find yourself with your barn being full you can take advantage of this sometimes.  By stacking items on some of the machines.  Such as this sample of it being done.  But you do need to upgrade your barn as often as possible.  Barn is upgraded by collecting Bolts, Planks and Duct tape, the number needed increases by one for each level of upgrade of barn.  I recommend never to sell an upgrade item, but if you feel you need to it's best to sell to one in your neighborhood first.  As they will be able to return a favor, over those not in your neighborhood.

Tip for having a full barn
From time to your barn will become full, here's a trick that you might like to take advantage of having a full barn.  While the barn is full you can stack up item on the tables of the machines.  Doing this will allow you to increase your inventory on your farm.

You can use this trick to setup for a Derby task will preforming another Derby task as well.  The items on the table are not count til collected.  But this only works if your neighborhood members work together and do not select the task you are setting up for.  It also helps if you overload your barn with rewards from your town visitors or catch some fish to overload the barn.  (Because rewards and fish will go into your barn, even if it's full already) This helps by being able to refill the production line of the machine without having to worry about one being collected before you want it collected.

Sample of this being done on the Sugar Mill

Note the message of the barn being full and the items in the production line of the machine.  You can do this with as many machines you wish, then fill orders, sell items or increase the barn size.  To make room for items to replace items used up out of the barn.

This trick comes in handy mostly the day before a event is going to start.  But also can be done when you find yourself close to an Upgrade of either your Silo or Barn.  This trick has many variables to it due to ones level and which machines you have.  But with time you too can find this useful way to protect those hard to get items in your barn just before a event starts.

The sample above is that of my barn being full after running them over night, that's why you see so many syrup bottles on the table.  I run the machine for syrups when I'm not playing for hours, like when I'm sleeping.  At time when I awake the last syrup is still finishing up and I start to produce the sugars.  Which depends on how many of each I have, but for start up I produce 2 white sugars.  This allows me to look over the other machines and what is in the barn.  Here in the sample I knew I needed brown sugars mostly and being that they take the least of time to produce.  The production line is mostly full of brown sugar production request.

While the barn is full I also look over what the next boat order is for and put request on other machines to produce those items to replace or fill those orders.  Other machines are filled with request for production of items my barn is short of.

I also take into account running TOM for items for the boat or items that use items my farm has to produce to make an item.  Such as an Apple pie requires syrup and apples to make.  Syrup takes an hour to produce and take the cane mill out of production of sugar.  So if I'm low on apple pies I will run TOM for them if the boat order can be filled with what I have or currently producing.

The same goes for any other variable, on the other machines.  You will have to use this tip first hand to get a better understanding.